Traditional Cihinese Acupuncture Center, Tokyo


Nervous System Disease

headache / migraine / insomnia / dizziness / facial neuralgia / paralysis / intercostal neuralgia / nech and shoulder pain / sciatica / hemiplegia

Digestive System Disease

gastritis / hyperacidity / stomach ulcer / dyspepsia / chronic enteritis / diarrhea / constipation

Orthopedic Disease

arthritis / shoulder pain / rheumatoid arthritis / inflammation of tendon and sheath / bruise / sprain muscular ache

Circulatory System Disease

heart acceleration / arteriosclerosis / hypertension / hypotension

Internal Secretion System Disease

basedow’s disease / diabetes

Respiratory Disease

cough / throat pain / bronchitis / bronchus asthma / chest pain

Urology System Disease

chronic nephritis / pyelitis / kidney stone / cystitis / urethral inflammation / prostate inflammation

Skin Disease

atopic dermatitis / rash / urticaria / eczema / Herpes

Obsterics and Gynecology Disease

menstruation difficulty / poor blood circulation / sterility / menopausal disease

Ophthalmic System Disease

cataract / eyestrain

Otology Disease

ringing / nasal inflammation / empyema / pharyngeal inflammation / tonsil inflammation


In addition to above diseases, Accupuncture and Moxibustion is effective for various pains, stiffness and complaints which don’t have clear definite matters